b10 EHI Export - CCDA

Document Information


  • Overview:

This document describes the structure and syntax of the exported Electronic Health Information (EHI) as per the b.10 EHI Export requirement. It provides details on the export format, file type, data structure, and instructions for accessing the data.

  • Objetives:
    • Define the format and structure of exported EHI.
    • Provide a detailed data dictionary of exported elements.
    • Outline authentication and access instructions.

API Endpoints Details

File Type Details

  • Format: XML
  • Schema: Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture (C-CDA) 2.1
  • Encoding: UTF-8
  • File Extension: .xml
  • Schema Reference: Based on the HL7 CDA R2 standard

Basic Information


URL: /patient/:idPatient/getPatientCCDAData

Description: Retrieves Continuity of Care Document Architecture (CCDA) data for a specific patient

Authentication & Authorization

Authentication Required: Yes

Type: JWT Bearer Token

Guard: JwtAuthGuard

Request Parameters

Path Parameters

  • idPatient (number): Patient ID

Request Body

  • type: PatientCCDADTO

Data Dictionary

The following table provides an overview of key fields included in the exported C-CDA document:

Note: Additional fields may be included depending on the data available for the patient.

Response Structure

Success Response (200 OK)

  "patientData": {
    "demographics": {
      "name": string,
      "dob": date,
      "gender": string,
      // ... other demographic fields
    "clinicalData": {
      // Clinical information
    "monitors": [
      // Patient monitoring data

Error Responses

404 Unauthorized

  "statusCode": 401,
  "message": "You are not Scope authorized to perform the operation"

403 Forbiden: When JWT authentication fails

404 Not Found: When pantient data is not found

500 Internal Server Error: For unexpected server errors

Download & Access Instructions

  1. Authentication: Ensure a valid JWT Bearer Token is provided in the request headers.
  2. API Call: Send a POST request to the specified endpoint with the required parameters.
  3. Download File: If successful, the response will contain a link to download the CCDA .xml file.
  4. Open in a Viewer: Use a compatible CCDA viewer or parse using an XML library.